Health & Safety
The health and safety of the students on our trips is a top Sea State priority. These are some of the steps we follow to ensure the safety of the students.
Pre-Departure Orientation
Each student is required to complete an in person or online pre-departure orientation prior to departing the U.S.
Emergency Contact Information
At the start of the program all students receive an Emergency Information Card containing information on who to contact. This card is made wallet-sized so that students can keep the card with them at all times and throughout the duration of the program.
In-Country Orientation
At the beginning of the program, all students will participate in an onsite in-country orientation. Information covered during the in-country orientation includes:
Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Sea State has a EAP for every programed offered and will be provided to each registered student in the Welcome Packet as well upon request for any interested parent.
Travel Advisories
We monitor the State Department Travel Advisories, on a regular basis and will inform our students, their families, and our advisor partners accordingly. We will not send students or allow students to remain on programs where we have been advised through U.S. Department of State travel warnings that their health and safety is in jeopardy.
24 Hour International Phone Contact
If at any time your son or daughter needs to contact you, or you need to contact them, we have 24 Hour phone support that will be provided to each student in their Welcome Packet AND listed in on their Emergency Contact Information Card that will be with them at all times.
Sea State Card
During our in-country orientation all students receive a wallet sized Sea State Information Card containing their name and passport number, country specific information about the location of our local facilities, in-country and international contacts, emergency contacts and embassy information, instructions on staying found.
Experienced Staff
The Sea State staff and our in-country partners are experienced in student handling, international travel, dealing with emergency situations. All of our staff is trained in CPR and Wilderness First Aid.